Sunday, May 6, 2018

9 Sargent Historian

At today's 9 Sargent at Arms meeting Will nominated Nelson as the official 9 Sargent Historian for Life. Nell seconded the nomination. Laura accepted. Congratulations! As her first action in office she responded to Will's requests to tell a story about prom: She recalled losing a watch between the slats of the Ledyard porch, after responsibly taking it off before swimming. She had to come back the next morning and used a stick to get it back.

Proposal to celebrate 9 Sargent day on September 9th each year.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

It's still here!

On Behalf of 9 Sargent at Arms, I hereby bless this blog with meeting minutes:

Great time at The Pub last night! Dan, I hope dinner was tasty. Most of the good stuff happened after you left, so I'm writing to recap.
What follows is a proposal for our next get-together. Chime in if you like. Date is set for April 1 (first Sunday of the month). Invite to follow from Nell.

* Ceremonial shotgun - I nominate Dan as the new dad at the guy who skipped out this month

Old business
* Review last meeting's minutes
* Review resolutions, admonish accordingly: Nell - buy plane ticket to Brazil; Will - Put people's birthdays on my google calendar + will bitmoji; Laura - Swim 1x a week for a total of 5+ times; James - One-arm pullup; Dan - pick name for child that doesn't rhyme with a dirty word
* Announce winner of the first official nickname challenge - who picked the day Dan's baby would be born? The winner gets to select the nickname we'll all use for Dan's child.
* Review and add to list of future events: xmas ornament exchange, elections, team vacation, etc

New Business
* Show and tell
* Pub name nominations and argument - come prepared with a name for our monthly hangout. we'll decide as a group, maybe via a beer shotgunning contest.
* Which is scarier (as judged by Bodie). This Week: Dan's beard vs dog with no nose (nell to provide the dog)
* Think about what you've done - Reflections on our collective life decisions
* Resolutions

Friday, January 16, 2009


I ended up on Blogger reading Brad Marden's fishing blog [] and realized that this one hasn't been updated in a while. I figured this out when reading Mansfield's last post and seeing details about NZ and then I looked at the year and damn, can you guys believe its 2009 and Obama is about to be inaugurated?

All's well here in BC. I just got back from a somewhat extreme snowshoe on Mt. Seymour with Susie Dain-Owens, my fellow Dartmouth alum in the city. It was extreme because it has warmed up to the high 40s and it is sunny up above the cloud cover, so the snow was super smooshy and the hike down turned into more of a slide, with some strategic tree avoidance... Lots of backcountry skiers were out, reminding me of why I'm putting in my time on the easier, lift-accessed slopes so I can someday be hip like them.

The photo up top is of Mt. Seymour back in October, after the first snow. Today it is covered with a bunch more, and on our descent we basically walked to the front of that rocky bit and dropped off the edge. That's what happens when you go for the "short cut."

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hello world?

It's late.

I'm in the midst of finals. Imagine that? Back into the grind of staying up late writing papers, some of which I care about (such as why methane digesters are so cool) and some of which I don't but have to bitterly hack through anyways. Then getting up early to edit, then turning in said hacked paper before starting on the next big project due in two days.

What's sad? I'm a nerd and actually enjoying myself! For the most part at any rate.

Of course, as I finish up for the night I wonder to myself: what's going on out there? How are my friends doing as the holiday season barrels down? Who might be out in colorado between December 17th and the 27th when I'm visiting my brothers and might want to ski with me? What, in fact, is the meaning of life after all? Obviously a post on the poor neglected 9Sarg blog is warranted.

Then I realize that my brain is both tired and ridicuous, that it's cold and snowy, and that crawling into my comfy bed is going to be damn nice in a minute.

Hope everybody is doing well out there!


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Heading West

Little 05 gathering at 5 olde before graduation this year

Well after a great summer at camp it appears that I am going to join the rapidly growing California team. I got a job working with an organization called Call of the Sea based out of Sausalito that does programs all over the bay area. It sounds pretty similar to the program I was working for in CT, basically school groups (or other groups of kids) come on the boat, help with some of the sailing and we have an education program involving California history, ecology, and then sailing related things like navigation. As I have never really spent any time on the west coast I'm really excited to get there and do some exploring. I'm living on the boat so the San Fran couches can expect some visits when I need a break from it. I'm also excited to be relatively close to my brother Alex (Nicole's future husband) who is a freshman at the University of Puget Sound and will have a football game or two in the area.

I'm going to be passing through Colorado on my way out as well, probably like the 7-9th of september, so looks like I may be getting my 9S fix this month.

raising a high life to you all,
Laura K

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Friday, April 27, 2007

Just Saw This

Thought of 9S...maybe it can go on the back of the Champagne of Off-Campus Housing shirts...